by Admin | Nov 17, 2019 | Episodes
Bye, Bye, Bevin; Job Performance Review of Adam and Eve; Society for the Scientific Study of Religion; Friendly Atheist Hemant Mehta at the KY Convention Check out this...
by Admin | Nov 1, 2019 | Episodes
This month, due to the busyness of conventions and travel (and day jobs) we did not sit down for a regular podcast recording. Instead, we share with you the presentations from this year’s Kentucky Freethought Convention from Monica Burns and Nick Fish. Enjoy, and we...
by Admin | Sep 22, 2019 | Episodes
Podcast Topics: State Fair “Atheist Booth” Bevin trolling the KY Democratic Party booth in his super tacky Trump jacket: Impromptu state fair interview with a Williamstown resident about Ark Encounter’s negative impact on the community. Andrew Seidel debate: “Did...
by Admin | Aug 16, 2019 | Episodes
Topics: The Kentucky State Fair is in progress, and we atheists have a booth (for the 9th–I think–year in a row)! You can visit us near the south wall of South Wing C. If you need help finding us, ask about the Kentucky Secular Society Booth at the fair Information...
by Admin | Jul 19, 2019 | Episodes
Topics: Anti-Vax Teen gets Chicken Pox Empower West Louisville want $9 million in slavery reparations from Southern Baptist Seminary...
by Admin | Jun 3, 2019 | Episodes
We discuss the state of abortion bans and protections happening in the states, Ark Encounter attendance numbers, and the news stories listed below. Documents regarding the Ark Encounter attendance numbers....
by Admin | May 7, 2019 | Episodes
Topics: The Kentucky Derby, which happened the day before recording. Kentucky’s new law banning sex with animals. (As in, how was this not a thing much earlier than now?) How should atheists who are facing sad times react when religious people offer prayers? Monica...
by Admin | Mar 28, 2019 | Episodes
This episode’s topics: FFRF KY visits the Daviess County school board meeting to follow up on the issue in of a public school teacher showing religious propaganda in class. NanoCon recap, and the audio of Mandisa Thomas’s presentation. FFRF calls out the...
by Admin | Feb 21, 2019 | Episodes
This month’s topics: Kentucky legislative update Black History Month Project Blitz Regarding the Kentucky teacher who was recorded playing sermon videos for class: You can view what the student recorded here (with the parent’s...
by Admin | Jan 28, 2019 | Episodes
Tri State Schism, Southern Baptist Seminary Supports Toxic Masculinity, Women’s March, R. Kelly, Covington Catholic Kids Here are the promised links about the new APA guidelines and Albert Mohler’s response to them. The APA Guidelines (This is a summary of the...