Feb/March 2021

Feb/March 2021

CPAC attendees worship a Trump golden idol; McConnell is 2-faced again; Ark Encounter screws Grant County Schools again; Biden’s inauguration church service; KY bills granting religious exceptions for COVID-19 vaccines. https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx…...
January 2021

January 2021

Welcome 2021! (Should we skip to 2022 already?)  Trump supporters riot, Kentucky preachers and White Supremists attend, 5 die.     https://www.wave3.com/2021/01/07/owensboro-pastor-among-protestors-capitol-hill/  ...

December 2020

This month we are sharing the audio of the FFRF KY meeting with Patrick Elliot of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. The topic is the state of religious freedom and the separation of state and church at this point in America’s history....

September 2020

The Great Louisville Riot that never happened; Ruth Bader Ginsburg; Supreme Court Battle; LMPD Officer indicted for not shooting Breonna Taylor; Do you want to be a podcaster? Rumors caused city havoc, not the protests...

August 2020

We were unable to record a podcast this month. Instead, we are glad to be able to present a speech by Mandisa Thomas at the 2019 Freedom From Religion Foundation National Convention. Check out this...