Former Black Nonbelievers Organizers Discuss Why They Left

On this episode, we talk with special guest, Rogiers, former BN-DC affiliate organizer, regarding why five affiliate organizers decided to walk away from Black Nonbelievers, Inc. (BN) and its founder and president, Mandisa Thomas, amid allegations of misconduct, abuse...

Rapture Anxiety

We discuss the trauma that can ensue from being taught end times scenarios like the rapture and being “left behind”. Check out this...

Dan Barker at KY Freethought Convention

Dan Barker, co-president of the Freedom from Religion Foundation, speaking at the Kentucky Freethought Convention on September 3rd, 2022 at the KY Convention Center, Louisville, Kentucky. Check out this...

FFRF Billboard, Supreme Court Fallout & Jan. 6 Hearings

In this week’s episode, we discuss the Freedom From Religion Foundations “We Vote” campaign, which features Ed and Mikel Hensley. We’ll also be discussing the 10-year old that was raped and impregnated in Ohio and had to travel to Indiana to abort the fetus. We’ll...