by Admin | Nov 28, 2017 | Episodes
Johnny Pike talks about the Humanist Forum of Central Kentucky in Lexington, we discuss Ken Ham’s claims about Ark Encounter attendance, the flat-earth rocket man, and potential legislation for the 2018 Frankfort General Assembly. Also, stay tuned after the regular...
by Admin | Nov 1, 2017 | Episodes
This month we discuss, among other things, the work on Owensboro Area Humanists at the Pitino Shelter, the rollback of the ACA contraceptive mandate and other reproductive justice news, and the town hall meeting hosted by AU Louisville featuring Rep John Yarmuth,...
by Admin | Sep 19, 2017 | Episodes
This month we recap the Kentucky Freethought Convention and the FFRF national convention. The full audio of Seth Andrews’ presentation on The Satanic Panic is included after the podcast discussion. Seth Andrews’ video on our trip to Ark Encounter Seth Andrews’ talk at...
by Admin | Aug 16, 2017 | Episodes
In this months episode we talk about faith-based initiatives in Louisville, Governor Bevin’s painted-rock-based opioid awareness plan, an Ark Encounter update, and more. Also, at the end after the regular podcast session, stay tuned to hear FFRF Student of Color Essay...
by Admin | Jul 16, 2017 | Episodes
In this episode we discuss the recent Ark Park Protest, the Trinity Lutheran playground SCOTUS decision, and other church/state issues. We also have a discussion with Detryck Von-Doom and his background and activism, issues affecting black atheists, and Gov. Bevin’s...